PodcastsListen to veteran and emerging voices talk about ageismArt vs. Ageism: Rewiring PerceptionsThe founders of Lifetime Arts discuss ageism in the field of Creative Aging & how to remedy it Journalist Susan Flory's series exploring the big issues of longer midlife, smashing stereotypes, shifting attitudes & celebrating ageingWhen Ageism & Sexism CombineIn conversation with Emilie Aries, Ashton Applewhite breaks down ageism & sexism in the workplace & encourages feminism to be more age-inclusiveMaiden, Mother & CroneExploring attitudes towards women & aging within genre fiction Bristol Unpacked on Ageism & Intergenerational DividesWhy are issues so often framed in terms of "generational divides," & are these divides real or imagined?You Are Not Considered a Whole Person After a Certain AgeNutritionist Debra Benfield talks with journalist Virginia Sole-Smith about how ageism & anti-fat bias intersect How can adland get over the age-old problem of ageism?New research from the International Longevity Center & the MullenLowe Group offers ways to tackle age bias in the advertising industryWhat does ageism in tech look likeAn interview with Ariana Tobin, one of the ProPublica reporters who exposed rampant age discrimination at IBM & other tech giantsSimon(e) van Saarloos & Lani Hanna dissect how constructions of “age” & “youth” support & reproduce white supremacist patriarchy Diverse VoicesThese conversations with people from diverse communities about their lived experience embody the Age Proud Leeds’ campaign slogan: Older, Different, EqualDoes the Asexual Community have an Ageism Issue?An exploration of the influence & visibility of older people in the asexual community & the effects the assumption that all olders are asexual Louise Aronson on Elderhood, Ageism & COVIDA geriatrician critiques the way an anti-aging culture reduces age to illness & explains how to redeem health policy & medical practiceEnding AgeismWriter Carl Honoré tells the BBC why we all miss out when olders are stereotyped as “over the hill”How to Overcome Ageism in a Job SearchHow to use preparation, empathy & people-focused hiring practices to break down barriers between job seekers & employers A sermon about ageism & Christianity by a pastor at the West United Methodist ChurchOn Racism & AgeismThis episode discusses the need to include olders & people of color in drug studies + beyondMelissa Rivers' Group TextWhat 3 powerful women think about ageism in Hollywood— & everywhere elseIntersectionality MattersKimberlé Crenshaw, the scholar who invented the term "intersectionality" talks with activist Ashton ApplewhiteNEW!A podcast & community aimed at employees & companies in tech who want to “break ageism ” & show the value of an age-diverse tech workforce Kitchen SinkA podcaster who just turned 50 investigates myths + stereotypes about older tech workers. “Tech sage age” is a thing!Two Ways We Can Combat AgeismTons of tips to help rehab & fitness students, teachers + clinicians base interventions on ability, not age-based assumptionsRedirecting AgeismInterview with Becca Levy about her new book, BREAKING THE AGE CODEAll things ageist & ageism, professional, sophisticated, informativeAgeism in Cancer CareA geriatric oncologist discusses how ageism can affect treatments & outcomes of older people with cancer, & how to detect + combat itClear explanations of what ageism against kids looks like, from parents who support self-directed learningLonging for the Ageless SelfA conversation with Professor Valerie Lipscomb about age as a performance, age studies & how we can combat ageism in our day-to-day lives as well as on the stageAge is Not Just a NumberShort introduction for healthcare workers to ageism in medical practiceThis episode of the Perseverance Overrated podcast is an interview with Indian age-discrimination activist Kewal KapoorThis series aims to inform & inspire retirees to move beyond ageist stereotypes in their thoughts & actionsRising Tide, Grey Tsunami: Charting the History of a Dangerous MetaphorAge scholar Andrea Charise explains what makes this metaphor so ageist & so powerfulWHY AGEISM IS SUCH A HARD “ISM” TO FIGHTHow does ageism make it harder for olders to stay educated, employed, & in good health—&how can we lower those barriers?Derek Jae & Craig the Writer talk with members of the Black LGBTQ community about how they feel about growing olderLet’s Talk About Ageism Host Sudhanshu Kaushik discusses the age bias young Indians faceTackling Ageism at WorkA three-episode podcast series from the BBC about bias against older workers & the economic and human reasons to overcome itAgeism and Covid-19 with Dr Peta CookA conversation with an Australian age scholar about discriminatory language & everyday ageismThe CEO of Generation quantifies what mid-career workers are up against & suggests possible interventionsThe American EldercideAge scholar Margaret Gullette explains why so many nursing home residents died during the 2020-21 pandemic, why many deaths were preventable & how ageism factored into the tragic tollWhat ageism is, how it harms us individually & collectively & what we can do about itPlayful and Compassionate Movement At Any AgeMovement coach David Wilson describes his compassionate, playful approach to physical activity & its effects on overall well-beingTHOUGHTFUL COUNSELORAn expert in person-centered care discusses the effect of these biases on medical practiceGerontologist Tracey Gendron talks about how we use the language of ageism & how it harms us"Don’t panic! it’s just aging." Conversations with age scholar Sally Chivers about the forces that feed age-related shame, fear, & inequityNEW!Wrinkled RadicalsHistorians describe how Maggie Kuhn founded the Gray Panthers, the first anti-ageist group in the US, leveraging her age & charisma to challenge prevailing views of olders as sexless, powerless & mindless