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On a blue background, the text "Join up as we #ButtonUpAgeism with AgeFriendlyOH. Beside that is a blurred image of a person holding a button that is in focus. The button reads, "Aging. So cool everybody is doing it." Across the bottom is the text, "Share the ways you are challenging ageism in your life."
Aging: So Cool Everyone Is Doing It
A 5-minute video about a slogan + button created by the ButtonUpAgeism campaign
In the background is a feminine person sitting in front of a professional microphone. The foreground text reads, "The Maturepreneur Podcast. Listen to those who would rather inspire than retire! Hosted by Jannette Anderson. New content every week! Add it to your saved list."
What ageism is, how it harms us individually & collectively & what we can do about it
The text "What is age discrimination and what can you do about it" over a pink background. Beside that is a cartoon image of an older person holding a resume looking at signs that have various rejection messages on them.
A one-page infographic that describes how to identify & address discrimination in the workplace
On a dark green background, the title "Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons" Below that the text, "United Nations Human RIghts Special Procedures. Special Rapporteurs, Independent Experts & Working Groups."
The 2021 report by the UN's Independent Expert on the human rightsof older persons, which examines the prevalence & consequences of age discrimination. In 6 languages.
Cartoon images of 3 older people. The two on the outside are holding up a package tag with the French words "Depasses, Lents, Detestables" listed on it.
Contact Aînés : Exposition de sensibilisation sur l'âgisme
Des graphiques originaux pour sensibiliser aux méfaits de l'âgisme. / Six bold graphics that call out ageist stereotypes & demand resistance. In French.