Old School Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse

Est. 2018

Old School

Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse

Resource: Ageism at Work: Deconstructing Age and Gender in the Discriminating Labour Market

Ageism at Work: Deconstructing Age and Gender in the Discriminating Labour Market

Resource Type:

Books and Blogs

About this resource:

By Ellie Berger, Ageism at Work examines the subjective experiences of older workers in Canada and explores how they negotiate ageism and manage their interactions in the employment setting. Further, this book looks at the intersection between age and gender and the pervasiveness of gendered ageism in the labour market. Finally, this book examines employers’ attitudes towards older workers quantitatively, while also exploring their first-hand accounts about them through qualitative inquiry. Understanding how ageism plays out in the labour market, how it intersects with sexism, and its consequences on a personal level are critical to moving the discussion on discrimination and human rights forward in Canada.

Contact information:

Email address: ellieb@nipissingu.ca

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