Old School Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse

Est. 2018

Old School

Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse


Welcome to our curated collection of videos, which runs the gamut from short animations from organizations like the Centre for Ageing Better, HelpAge International, and Australia’s EveryAGE Counts campaign to interviews with ageland luminaries like geriatrician Bill Thomas, age scholar Thomas Cole, and recording artist Cyndi Lauper. Topics include negative stereotypes of older people, age-neutral ways to communicate, how to stand up for the rights of older people, and how and push back against anti-aging messaging.

Videos include a short film from the IFI Archive Player that tackles the everyday myths and misconceptions that result in ageism; testimonies from older people around the world about how ageism affects them for the International Day of Older Persons; experiences of ageism across the life course created by the United Nations + the World Health Organization (WHO); a trip to the “Human Best Before Date” tattoo parlor from BrandHealthCanada; an animation of a world without ageism; a TEDx talk by Kristen Shaughnessy on age and gender discrimination; a music video by Kelea about the plight of older job seekers; an animation set in the Philippines about systemic ageism (with subtitles in Arabic, Burmese, Russian, and Spanish); an age-positive fashion show from Norway; a fake ad for aging cream from the City of Toronto; a recording of Old School’s most popular workshop, Let’s Dismantle Ageism; a short documentary by Jennifer Abod about the radical founders of the Old Women’s Project; another short documentary about Black Americans’ experience of age bias; a conversation between Moira Allan of OLD’UP and Estelle Huchet of Age Platform Europe about combating ageism; an animation by Russ Haan on how making and sharing art makes aging better. Also a number of subversive social experiments: one conducted by Apia Australia that reveals subconscious bias; a high school teacher’s prank that does the same; and social experiments from AARP’s Disrupt Aging team denying food and free samples to passersby under age 40.

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