Old School Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse

Est. 2018

Old School

Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse


This section of the Old School Clearinghouse features smart people talking about various aspects of ageism. You’ll find a selection of engaging and fact-filled presentations by a wide range of experts. They include:

Yale School of Public Health’s Becca Levy on why reducing ageism reduces loneliness and improves health and well-being; a Stanford Center on Longevity panel with physician Louise Aronson, Richard Eisenberg, and the Milken Institute’s Paul Irving on ageism in the wake of COVID19; queer age advocate Ryan Backer on the intersection of ageism and queerphobia and its effect on LGBTQIA2S+ communities; a very young Adora Svitak ’s TED talk on what grown-ups can learn from kids; activists Ashton Applewhite and Evelyn Torton Beck in conversation about ageism & ableism—and dancing; a panel of artists convened by Opera Programs Berlin on ageism in the opera business; an episode of The Real Daytime about how ageism affects older women professionals of color; storyteller Monique Judge on why she’s not putting up with ageism; HelpAGE CEO Kate Bunting’s nine posters explaining why we need to #BustAgeism; Radical Age Lab founder Sheila Roher on ageism in medicine; artist Alecia Renece on aging with joy and grace as a Black woman; Ashton Applewhite’s YouTube channel, with short clips about what’s ageist and why, and her brilliant TED Talk, “Let’s End Ageism”; short videos from scholars participating in a pan-European research initiative on the ageism all around us, including in cognitive tests, our neighborhoods, the media, and sexuality; David Cadiz from Portland State University, Becca Levy from Yale University, and Dr. Rebecca Perron from AARP on how workers, employers, and researchers can solve workplace ageism; a panel convened by the Gerontological Society of American and Journalists Aging on policy models that combat ageism and support longevity, like the California Master Plan for Aging; cultural critic Margaret Gullette’s declaration of the rights denied to older people; archival video of an interview with Maggie Kuhn, who founded the Gray Panthers; psychiatrist Sihle Nhlabathi on age bias in South Africa; professor Kim Socha on ageism in the animal rights movement. Plus a passel of TEDx talks: professor David Cadiz’s on ditching generational labels; executive coach Ruth Sherman’s on how workplace ageism harms us all. author Carol Honore’s on overcoming internalized ageism; Change AGEnt Mervyn Eastman’s on how everyday ageism divides and diminishes us; comedian Marian Aalda’s on voice and visibility for older women; and entrepreneur Nicola Palmarini’s on how technology, disability and age intersect in the workplace.

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