This section of the Old School Clearinghouse features smart people talking about various aspects of ageism. You’ll find a selection of engaging and fact-filled presentations by a wide range of experts. They include:
Yale School of Public Health’s Becca Levy on why reducing ageism reduces loneliness and improves health and well-being; a Stanford Center on Longevity panel with physician Louise Aronson, Richard Eisenberg, and the Milken Institute’s Paul Irving on ageism in the wake of COVID19; queer age advocate Ryan Backer on the intersection of ageism and queerphobia and its effect on LGBTQIA2S+ communities; a very young Adora Svitak ’s TED talk on what grown-ups can learn from kids; activists Ashton Applewhite and Evelyn Torton Beck in conversation about ageism & ableism—and dancing; a panel of artists convened by Opera Programs Berlin on ageism in the opera business; an episode of The Real Daytime about how ageism affects older women professionals of color; storyteller Monique Judge on why she’s not putting up with ageism; HelpAGE CEO Kate Bunting’s nine posters explaining why we need to #BustAgeism; Radical Age Lab founder Sheila Roher on ageism in medicine; artist Alecia Renece on aging with joy and grace as a Black woman; Ashton Applewhite’s YouTube channel, with short clips about what’s ageist and why, and her brilliant TED Talk, “Let’s End Ageism”; short videos from scholars participating in a pan-European research initiative on the ageism all around us, including in cognitive tests, our neighborhoods, the media, and sexuality; David Cadiz from Portland State University, Becca Levy from Yale University, and Dr. Rebecca Perron from AARP on how workers, employers, and researchers can solve workplace ageism; a panel convened by the Gerontological Society of American and Journalists Aging on policy models that combat ageism and support longevity, like the California Master Plan for Aging; cultural critic Margaret Gullette’s declaration of the rights denied to older people; archival video of an interview with Maggie Kuhn, who founded the Gray Panthers; psychiatrist Sihle Nhlabathi on age bias in South Africa; professor Kim Socha on ageism in the animal rights movement. Plus a passel of TEDx talks: professor David Cadiz’s on ditching generational labels; executive coach Ruth Sherman’s on how workplace ageism harms us all. author Carol Honore’s on overcoming internalized ageism; Change AGEnt Mervyn Eastman’s on how everyday ageism divides and diminishes us; comedian Marian Aalda’s on voice and visibility for older women; and entrepreneur Nicola Palmarini’s on how technology, disability and age intersect in the workplace.
Yale School of Public Health’s Becca Levy on why reducing ageism reduces loneliness and improves health and well-being; a Stanford Center on Longevity panel with physician Louise Aronson, Richard Eisenberg, and the Milken Institute’s Paul Irving on ageism in the wake of COVID19; queer age advocate Ryan Backer on the intersection of ageism and queerphobia and its effect on LGBTQIA2S+ communities; a very young Adora Svitak ’s TED talk on what grown-ups can learn from kids; activists Ashton Applewhite and Evelyn Torton Beck in conversation about ageism & ableism—and dancing; a panel of artists convened by Opera Programs Berlin on ageism in the opera business; an episode of The Real Daytime about how ageism affects older women professionals of color; storyteller Monique Judge on why she’s not putting up with ageism; HelpAGE CEO Kate Bunting’s nine posters explaining why we need to #BustAgeism; Radical Age Lab founder Sheila Roher on ageism in medicine; artist Alecia Renece on aging with joy and grace as a Black woman; Ashton Applewhite’s YouTube channel, with short clips about what’s ageist and why, and her brilliant TED Talk, “Let’s End Ageism”; short videos from scholars participating in a pan-European research initiative on the ageism all around us, including in cognitive tests, our neighborhoods, the media, and sexuality; David Cadiz from Portland State University, Becca Levy from Yale University, and Dr. Rebecca Perron from AARP on how workers, employers, and researchers can solve workplace ageism; a panel convened by the Gerontological Society of American and Journalists Aging on policy models that combat ageism and support longevity, like the California Master Plan for Aging; cultural critic Margaret Gullette’s declaration of the rights denied to older people; archival video of an interview with Maggie Kuhn, who founded the Gray Panthers; psychiatrist Sihle Nhlabathi on age bias in South Africa; professor Kim Socha on ageism in the animal rights movement. Plus a passel of TEDx talks: professor David Cadiz’s on ditching generational labels; executive coach Ruth Sherman’s on how workplace ageism harms us all. author Carol Honore’s on overcoming internalized ageism; Change AGEnt Mervyn Eastman’s on how everyday ageism divides and diminishes us; comedian Marian Aalda’s on voice and visibility for older women; and entrepreneur Nicola Palmarini’s on how technology, disability and age intersect in the workplace.
screen grab from webinar w/ Becca Levy, Rebecca Perron + David Cadiz
What’s Age Got to do with it? Realities and Solutions for Workplace Ageism
three experts take a closer look at workplace ageism in this webinar hosted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety + the National Center for Productive Aging and Work
A view of an auditorium for the presentation titled "Towards a World for all Ages" dated June 29, 2018 in Bratislava, Slovakia
COST Action IS1402 on Ageism's Youtube Channel
A series of short videos to disseminate information about ageism to the general public from the European Cooperation in Science & Technology